Flam Chen

New circus and fire theater

Nimbus Fire Show

JOIN US for a wild ride at The Chicken Sister’s Ranch!

A classic evening at the NIMBUS BREWERY–replete with Industrial Sculptural interactive noise from ANARCHESTRA , the spankin’ beat wizardry of NOT BREATHING, mad middle eastern jazz funk-punk from CALLE DE BAUCHE, deep beats from ISMIST and Richard Wizadry with TODDLER-outrageous Fire Sculpture!!! Flam Chen show is at 11:00.

This show benefits Black Rock City’s best and brightest radio station-RADIO ELECTRA-Electra FM also offers social interaction year round with projects that teach children about radio and broadcasting. ONGOING projects include The Star School, a Charter school serving the Hopi and Navajo community in Northern Arizona. SUPPORT AZ BURNERS. ALSO please contribute to the event!!..at The Open Fire Jam at Midnight for all fire performers & circus folk…Come show your stuff…register at the door!


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