Flam Chen

New circus and fire theater

Happy New Year 2011

Flam Chen and Co. wish you he best of new years. We are excited to be in our 16th year of producing unique and groundbreaking work and we are looking forward to a new decade of spectacle and celebration!

Unfortunately, we were unable to get the security needed to produce another wonderful New Years Eve show in Bisbee-BUT that does not dampen our spirit! In fact in makes it more crucial that the cultural assets of our society be strengthened, recognized for its economic and social impact and nourished by our work and dedication. This new decade looks to be times of intense darkness and even more intense light… Through social interaction, community participation and fostering new creative communities–we can all make a lasting impact on our world. Artists and creatives are the new shaman-we dig to the underworld and bring forth manifestations to the physical world and uncover dark denials as well as exfoliate beauty, joy and understanding… We are your humble servants and thankful for the myriad of opportunities and challenges we have been given.

This year we will be creating a big touring show with ENSPHERE, Falkotronik and Professor Carl Noggle based on the film Metropolis…We are excited to get a big show up, out on the continent and showcase all of the hard work we have done over the last couple of years. Look for beta runs of our show in Spring and Summer -Tucson, Phoenix, Santa Fe and Salt Lake City.

Coming up locally we will be:

At Industria on January 22 with a small Fire Performance

Assisting the wonderful Community Food Bank for their gala on January 29

Creating a Valentines Day All Souls Benefit show at the Hut Feb 12 OR Feb 14

Assisting with Tucson’s Carnaval with Batucaxe and friends on February 19 at Armory Park.

Most exciting news thus far though.. The All Souls Procession will be creating a permanent home on West Congress St. This land will facilitate our festival as well as a host of other events and happenings. In collaboration with Gadsen Company we are going to create a world class festival site that will be a gem of our region! Look for more details in the next few months!

All Souls Procession debt is at appx $7,000…Please make an end of the year contribution HERE

Blesssings for the New Year!



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