Flam Chen

New circus and fire theater

Demons Milk Valentines Cabaret

Demons Milk Valentines Day Cabaret


Come delight in a fanciful, erotic and sensuous performance environment complete with full bar, desert and a full evening performance spectacle with Flam Chen and Co.

Hearkening back to our days at Lucky Street in Dunbar Springs, Flam Chen installs into the Cabinet Room adjacent to Agustin Kitchen at the lovely Mercado San Agustin.  Chinese Pole, Aerial Dance, Sensuous Acro-balance and an array of other provocative acts to the drum and bass music from DJ Clay Steele.

Tickets are $70 for couples $40 for singles

Comes with complimentary glass of wine and a flaming dessert from Agustin Kitchen. (Esteva Douro Red & Mont Gravet Colombard White)

Full cash bar and Pre Fixe menu available.

Seating is extremely limited (50 per night)  GET TICKETS HERE!

Call 520-272-9041 to reserve a spot!


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