Flam Chen

New circus and fire theater

All Souls Procession Thanks and Bisbee NYE

All Souls Procession was amazing and transformative… We personally want to thank all of you that participated in the march and the ceremony and the countless creations that adorned our streets and hearts for a few hours.

Some clips from this year:

from 7 Pipers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHS_U7QG2cY

from Clencovision: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPKm4-s-ndo

Currently the organizers of the 2oth Annual ASP Weekend are totaling the numbers and making plans to finish paying off the debt from this year. As of now we are about $7000-9000 in the red from the weekend. Please make your last end of the year donations to MMOS HERE.

Bisbee New Years Eve 2009/2010

Once again We are creating the spectacle du jour in Bisbee AZ! Come on down for a wild time in this wonderful artist enclave in Southern AZ Thursday Dec. 31, 2009 City Park in Bisbee.

More information can be found here: www.bisbeenewyear.com

We are looking forward to an amazing year of new creations!

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