Flam Chen

New circus and fire theater

Your invitation to The Fishers Wish!

Flam Chen and Co. are launching our new performance entitled The Fishers Wish!

And we are inviting you to assist in the process.  We have been building this performance since December and are launching the premier here in Tucson with a site specific installation at Creative Machines on March 31 and April 1.    GET TICKETS HERE

We initiated this project as a film in 2005 and since then have been scheming how to bring this concept to the stage.

With the current socio-political landscape–we thought this was an apt time to bring this to life.  The tale is an ancient one told in many cultures…our adaptation is surreal, bold and spectacular to be enveloped in.

Amazing visuals and video mapping from Adam Cooper-Terán and Heather Gray

Outstanding DJ mixes from DJ Dirty Verbs

Innovative rigging and the dynamic performers on our team are due to make Fishers Wish a treat for the senses.

Support this Project HERE

Purchase Tickets HERE



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