We have had a amazing summer with our Circus Camp program with Tucson Circus Arts!
You can view some of the reels HERE.
We are currently deep in the planning for The 27th Annual All Souls Procession this year! We are excited to present SORNE this year as the musical element to the Grand Finale! We have been such big fans for a few years now and we finally found the opportunity to collaborate on the Grand Finale.
The grounds are also shifting as construction begins on new projects-We do however have much the same 12 acre space as before just look to the river bed to find the main stage.
And speaking of construction… We are also involved in one of the projects on the site–Part of it is going to become a custom FC venue!!! We break ground in September and it will probably take the better part of a year to get completed–but what an opportunity! We have never had our own venue–outside of the former Lucky Street Studio where we crafted much of the early work of FC–so we are excited to have an bespoke performance space and with amazing development partners Gadsden Company

Here is the quick calendar of events:
August 13-4th Ave-Tucson, AZ The Mermaid Parade
September 10-Sacramento, CA Flam Chen collaboration with Sacramento Taiko DAN in their Fall Festival
September 10-24-Arcosanti , AZ Global Stilt Congress with The Carpetbag Brigade-final performance on Saturday 9/24
November 5-6-Tucson, AZ The 27th Annual All Souls Procession Weekend-join in with well over 150,000 participants as we honor the dead.