Flam Chen

New circus and fire theater


Flam Chen donates much of our time and energy towards worthy causes. It is one of the ways we feel we can contribute effectively to the betterment of the planet. We give an average of $80,000 worth of services each year to non-profits, established communities, medical establishments, victim relief funds and many other organizations. Usually, if we have the date free, we will help out to the best of our abilities and help make your event a huge success.

Our non-profit clients include:

  • Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
  • Planned Parenthood
  • Muscular Dystrophy Association
  • American Cancer Society
  • Tu Nidito Children and Family Services
  • Angel Charity
  • Phoenix Zoo
  • Women of Juarez
  • Sarvodaya Relief Agency-Sri Lanka
  • Black Rock Arts Foundation
  • American Red Cross
  • Its Happening Downtown
  • Many Mouths One Stomach
  • Tucson Arts Coalition
  • Pan Left Productions
  • Save the Children
  • Cosanti Foundation
  • Tucson Pima Arts Council
  • Valley of the Moon
  • Tsunami on the Square
  • City of Glendale

Please feel free to contact us about your organization or community events and see if you qualify for our support, as it is our way of giving that we love to do immensely.

arbox-2Community Projects

Our commitment to the All Souls Procession guided us in 2005 to create Many Mouths One Stomach-an official 501c3 organization.

In many ways the intent of the All Souls Procession guided Flam Chen into a greater existence as well as providing the unique inspiration to establish a powerful legacy and the propagation of authentic and wholistic Festal Culture.

In 2005, after more then a decade of immersion in the All Souls Procession, we created the Video Ancestors Project and The Urn Project as living legacy as well as founding an endowment to ensure the All Souls Procession’s existence far into the next century…

We have also initiated the Tucson International School of Circus and Performing Arts—or Tucson Circus Arts for short as a year round educational outlet for sharing and expanding our craft.

Please check out the events and get involved — Participate, Create, Transform your culture thru active participation.

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