When the Zoppé Family Circus returns to Tucson for the fourth year next month, opening night will be a special occasion.
Zoppé’s European circus will benefit Tucson’s 2016 All Soul’s Procession. The performance will feature Tucson-based artists from Flam Chen showcasing it antics and acrobatics outside the one-ring tent. In addition, there will be a cash bar and silent auction. A portion of the evening’s revenue will be donated to support next year’s All Soul’s Procession.
“Tucson’s All Souls Procession is a public ritual like no other,” says Chuck Tennes, president of Arts Tucson. “Zoppé Family Circus is becoming a tradition here as well, so it is a pleasure for us to support one of the North America’s most potent cultural events.”
Zoppé ‘s opening night, Friday, January 15 at 7 p.m. at Mercado San Agustin, will be the first of eight performances during the Martin Luther King holiday weekend, January 15-18..
Arts Tucson, a new non-profit organization, is presenting this year’s visit by the Zoppé troupe. Many Mouths, One Stomach, a non-profit arts collective based in Tucson, AZ, is the organizing body for the procession. Additional support is provided by Gadsden Company, LLC, developer of the Mercado San Agustin site.
Tickets for opening night range from $15 for children to $30 for adults. A limited number of ringside seats at $50 include a $20 tax-deductible contribution to Many Mouths, One Stomach..
Ticket information for all eight of Zoppé Family Circus performances can be found at artstucson.org.
About Arts Tucson
Arts Tucson, a non-profit organization, presents, produces and promotes world-class performing arts events.