Its On!
The train has left the station and will arrive in less then 3 weeks!
This 28th year is our 21st year participating and helping to steward this amazing pubic ceremony/ritual/circus of remembrance and compassion.
Over 150,000 participants will descend upon Tucson this November 3-5 2017.
Our musical guest for the Grand Finale this year is The Tucson Symphony Orchestra. The TSO will have a 52 person orchestra and a full 45 minute score the burning of The URN. Workshops have begun and we have a beautiful stage design that will present the Tucson Symphony perfectly.

Here is the Music Program for the Grand Finale:
Grand Finale Presentation:
Tucson Symphony Orchestra, Flam Chen, Soluna Bellydance
Heather Gray & Adam Cooper-Terán Media
Act I——–Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary
Act I Sc.II–The Montagues and the Capulets
Act II——-Night On Bald Mountain
Act III——Purcell-Stokowski Dido’s Lament
Act IV——-Schubert, Ave Maria, Soprano Simona Bertini.
Act V——–Saint-Saens – Danse macabre
Act VI ScI—The Firebird Suite- IV. The Princesses’ Round
Act VI ScII–The Firebird Suite- V. Infernal Dance of King Kashchei
Act VI ScIII-The Firebird Suite- VII
Please donate to this amazing free public ceremony!
For a full list of workshops, openings and events visit All Souls Procession